卡扣结构 卡扣结构是确定产品各零件间结合的最有效的一种连接方式。起到一种简单和快捷的装配作用。 卡扣结构的优点:在考虑机械装配工作中,单独的紧固件常常是劳动强度最大。为降低与单独紧固件相关的装配费用,对于塑胶成型零件来说,各种类型设计完美的卡扣都可以提供可靠的、高质量的紧固配置使得产品的装配效率极高。再者,扣位的装配过程简单,一般只需一个插入的动作,无需做旋转运动或装配前产品定位的动作,快捷简便。 卡扣结构的缺点:随着使用次数多之后,容易产生断裂等,且断裂位置难以修补。在塑胶成型的零件上用于不拆卸的装配,若能拆卸只有更换零件。卡扣设计在公差配合上的需要经验的积累。
The buckle structure is the most effective way of connecting the parts of a product. A simple and fast assembly function. The advantage of the clocking structure: in the consideration of mechanical assembly, individual fasteners are often the most intense. In order to reduce assembly costs associated with separate fasteners, for plastic injection parts, various types of design perfect card buckle can provide reliable and high quality fastening configuration makes the product assembly efficiency is very high. In addition, the assembly process of the buckle is simple, and usually requires only one insert, which is easy and easy to do without the movement of rotation or pre-assembly product positioning. The drawback of the card structure: as it is used more often, it is prone to rupture, etc., and the broken position is difficult to repair. Used for undetachable assembly on the parts of plastic molding, if only replacement parts can be removed. The credit card design is accumulated in the need experience of tolerance.