





1.第一次使用止血带(可单独操作)之前,须详细阅读操作流程,按照操作流程使用。 1. Prior to the first use of tourniquet (which can be operated separately), the operation procedure should be read in detail and used according to the operation procedure. 2. 按照说明书维护管理要求定期维护保养消毒,以协助确立产品功能状态,保持完整的记录,包括使用前检查保养的日期及产品的状况、执行者签名。 2. According to the instruction manual maintenance management require regular maintenance disinfection, to help establish the product function, maintain complete records, including the use of check maintenance before the date of the signature and the status of the product, the performer. 3.认真填写使用时的护理记录,记录内容包括:上止血带的位置、拉力、压脉止血的时间,使用卡扣止血带前、后皮肤及组织的完好性。 3. Carefully fill in the nursing records of the use, including the location of the tourniquet, the tension of the tourniquet, the time to stop the bleeding, and the completion of the skin and tissue before and after the buckle. 4.每次使用前预先检查气卡扣止血带、插扣、隼头相闭合,弹性带是否完好(合为一体的除外),插扣、隼头是否匹配、牢靠。 Before each use, check the gas card buckle, the buckle, the falcons head, the elastic band is intact (except for one), the buckle and the falcons are matched and secure. 5.止血带拉力大小根据患者年龄、血管收缩压、止血带的宽度、肢体的大小而决定。就健康成人而言,上肢拉力:患者血压的收缩压加50~75mmHg;下肢压力:收缩压加100~150mmHg(国际手术室护士协会建议)。止血带拉力压脉过大或不足均可能造成神经伤害,不足的压力可能产生肢体静脉充血而造成神经的出血浸润。 5. The tensile strength of the tourniquet is determined by the age of the patient, the systolic blood pressure, the width of the tourniquet, and the size of the limb. For healthy adults, upper limb pull: systolic pressure of patients with blood pressure of 50 ~ 75mmHg; Lower limb pressure: systolic pressure plus 100 ~ 150mmHg (recommended by the international operating room nurses association). If the tension of the tourniquet is too large or insufficient, it may cause the nerve injury, and the insufficient pressure may result in the bleeding of the nerve. 6.时间:止血带能安全使用的时间长短无一定的标准,通常由病患的年龄、生理状况及肢体的血管供应情形而定,就一般50岁以下的健康成人而言,手臂所使用的止血带应少于一小时,大腿处则少于一个半小时。 6. Time: the length of time for the safe use of a tourniquet can without a certain standard, usually by the patient's age, physical condition and the vascular supply situation of the body, in terms of general under the age of 50 healthy adults, arm is the use of a tourniquet should be less than one hour, thigh area is less than an hour and a half.


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