U型卡扣之如何溶解硬脂酸工业硬脂酸的生产方法主要有分馏法和压榨法两种。在硬化油中加入分解剂,然后水解得粗脂肪酸,再经水洗、蒸馏、脱色即得成品。同时副产甘油。水溶性测试: 取本品5g,加热熔化,加等容新沸的热水,振摇 2分钟,放冷,滤过,滤液中加甲基橙指示液1滴,不得显红色。测试硬脂酸的酸值就是用的醇溶液。可以用醇的水溶液溶解试试我也再想溶解硬脂酸,我试了试酒精,搅了十分钟也没溶掉,不知道加热如何 别人都是怎么加硬脂酸的呢?丙酮+乙醇 加热 搅拌 终于给溶解了
How to dissolve stearic acid in U-shaped snaps is mainly produced by fractionation and pressing. The crude fatty acid is hydrolyzed by adding decomposing agent in hardening oil, and then the product is washed, distilled and decolorized. At the same time, by-product glycerol. Water solubility test: take 5g of this product, heat melting, add isovolumetric new boiling hot water, shake for 2 minutes, cool, filter, add methyl orange indicator liquid 1 drop in the filtrate, do not show red. The acid value of stearic acid is alcohol solution. I can try to dissolve stearic acid with alcohol in water. I tried to dissolve stearic acid. I stirred it for ten minutes and did not dissolve it. I don't know how to add stearic acid when heating. Acetone + ethanol heated and stirred and finally dissolved.