长城卡扣是一种专门用于火腿肠等食品封口的专门封口构件。是一种用于产品两端封口的紧固件,设计小巧,方便实用 。长城卡扣在我们的日常生活中随处可见,有多种用途。且类型丰富,用于不同需求的产品封口,美观耐用。像各种火腿肠、水果包装、大蒜包装、超市封口包装、食用菌、锚固剂等包装产品都离不开长城卡扣。
The Great Wall buckle is a special sealing component specially used for food seals such as ham and sausage. Tjinghuaqi.37ix.com.cnzhuzaoj.37ix.com.cn zhuzaopj.37ix.com.cnfeiqiql.37ix.com.cnfeiqijh.37ix.com.cnfeiqizl.37ix.com.cnhe utility model is a fastener used for sealing both ends of a product, which is compact in design, convenient and practical. The Great Wall buckle can be seen everywhere in our daily life and has many uses. And the type is rich, for different needs of product sealing, beautiful and durable. Such packaging products as ham sausage, fruit packaging, garlic packaging, supermarket sealing packaging, edible fungi, anchorage and so on can not be separated from the Great Wall buckle.