The commonly used rope clamps for wire rope can be divided into three
types: U type, horseback riding type and embracing type. Among them, the
horse-riding rope clamp has the strongest connecting force and the
widest application.
Generally, the type, type and quantity of clamp should be reasonably
selected according to the diameter of wire rope. Attention should be
paid to:
1. 选用绳夹时,U型环的内侧净距应比钢丝绳直径大1~3mm左右,净距偏大会使卡扣连接卡不紧钢丝绳,造成滑动而发生事故。
1. When choosing rope clamp, the inner net distance of U-ring should
be about 1-3 mm larger than the
m.cnlangfang.37ix.com.cndiameter of wire rope. The net distance
deviation will make the clamp connection not tighten the wire rope and
cause slippage and accidents.
2. 卡扣的螺栓必须拧紧,一般以钢丝绳被压扁 ~ 直径为准;
2. The fastening bolts must be tightened. Generally speaking, the diameter of the steel wire rope is the standard.
3. U型部分应与钢丝绳头接触,不能与主绳颠倒;绳夹安装要一顺、等距排列;
3. The U-shaped part should be in contact with the wire rope head, not
upside down with the main rope, and the rope clamp should be arranged in
a straight and equidistant way.
4. 为便于检查绳夹接头是否安全可靠或及时发现钢丝绳接头部位是否滑动,一般在最后一个绳夹后面约500mm处再增设一个
地变电阻柜 精密铸造 中频电炉设备 保定断桥铝门窗 保定养老院 镜子批发 启闭机绳夹,并将钢丝绳头放出一个“安全弯”;若钢丝绳接头发生滑动时,可直观显现 “安全弯”被拉直的现象,此时则应及时采取处理措施。
4. In order to check whether the joint is safe and reliable or to find
out whether the joint is slippery in time, a rope clamp is added at
about 500 mm behind the last rope clamp, and a "safe bend" is released
from the end of the rope; if the joint slips, the phenomenon of "safe
bend" being straightened can be visually displayed, then timely
treatment measures should be taken