





Wire rope is a spiral steel wire bundle twisted together according to certain rules, which meets the requirements of mechanical properties and geometric dimensions. The wire rope consists of steel wire, core and grease. Wire rope is a kind of rope which is twisted into strands by multi-layer steel wires, then centered on the core of the rope and twisted into spiral by a certain number of strands. In material handling machinery, for lifting, traction, tension and loading purposes. The steel wire rope has the advantages of high strength, light weight, smooth operation, not easy to break suddenly, and reliable operation.
在使用钢丝绳卡扣时,要把U形螺栓拧紧,直到钢丝绳被压扁1/3左右为止。由于钢丝绳在受力后产生变形,绳卡在钢丝绳受力后要进行第二次拧紧,以保证接头的牢靠。如需检查钢丝绳在受力后,绳卡是否滑动,可采取附加一安全绳卡来进行。安全绳卡安装在距最后一个绳卡约500mm左右,将绳头放出一段安全弯后再与主绳夹紧,这样如卡子有滑纤维 驱鸟设备 保定通风管道 塑料土工格栅 检查井模具 流水槽模具 锻造厂家 华尔街铜牛动现象,安全弯将会被拉直,便于随时发现和及时加固。卡子的大小要适合钢丝绳的粗细,U形环的内侧净距,要比钢丝绳直径大1~3mm,净距太大不易卡紧绳子。
When using wire rope clamp, tighten the U-shaped bolt until the wire rope is flattened by about 1/3. Because the wire rope is deformed after being subjected to force, the wire rope must be tightened for the second time after being subjected to force to ensure the joint is firm. If it is necessary to check whether the rope clip is sliding after the wire rope is stressed, a safety rope clip can be added to it. The safety rope clamp is installed about 500 mm away from the last rope clamp. The end of the rope is released into a safe bend and then clamped with the main rope. If the clamp slips, the safety bend will be straightened so that it can be found and reinforced at any time. The size of clip should be suitable for the thickness of wire rope. The inner net distance of U-ring is 1-3 mm larger than the diameter of wire rope. The net distance is too big to tighten the rope


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