塑料卡扣安装事项 |
添加时间:2023/10/25 16:00:00 浏览次数: |
塑料卡扣安装事项 Installation of plastic buckle 卡扣在安装时,操作者主要通过手感以及声音来判断卡扣安装是否到位,因此在设计时需要注意以下几点: When the buckle is installed, the operator determines whether the clasp installation is in place by means of hand feeling and voice. Therefore, the following points should be noticed in design. 1)、选择合适的变形量。卡扣通过紧固件的变形和反弹来实现安装。而太小的变形量容易造成安装不牢固;太大的变形量又容易导致地变电阻柜 精密铸造 中频电炉设备 保定断桥铝门窗 保定养老院 镜子批发 启闭机安装困难甚至无法安装,破坏卡扣。 1), select the appropriate deformation amount. The fastener is installed through the deformation and rebound of the fastener. Too small deformation is easy to cause the installation is not solid; too large deformation can easily lead to difficult installation or even failure to install. 2)、设计时,注意要使卡扣在安装靠位时出现一些比较明显的现象,如声音以及手感上的变化。 2) when designing, pay attention to make the buckle appear some obvious phenomena when installing the position, such as the change of voice and handle. 3)、设计时,注意卡扣的约束数量,不能出现过约束的情况。约束过多,对零件的加工精度要求较高。在实际装配过程,容易导致安装不到位或不能安装。 3) when designing, pay attention to the number of buckles, which can not be restrained. Too many constraints require higher machining accuracy of parts. In the actual assembly process, it is easy to cause the installation is not in place or can not be installed |
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